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Toku Review: Ultraman X

Writer's picture: Zachary MoranZachary Moran

Ultraman's rise back to its glory in the 2010's was a rather rough ride initially. Let's go back a bit, Ultraman Ginga was meant to be the launch of a new generation of Ultraman after the 2000's kind of like how Kamen Rider was changing itself for the new decade 3 years earlier. The only problem was at the time Tsuburaya was facing a major financial crisis... again ( Their's a meme about two nickels, which is not a lot but its still weird it happened twice.) The studio had lost a court battle regarding licensing with Chaiyo Production and had to pay a whopping 16.36 billion yen in damages leaving the company in the red having to pay its debts. That left Ginga with a budget of almost... nothing. They filmed in a singular location and its surrounding mountains, and in its 11 episode run only 4 new Kaiju were created for the show.

Despite these major shortcomings, Tsuburaya was able to pay off their debts and could be seen in Ginga S (This is just stuff I heard haven't seen either yet, hope to recify that this year.) Regardless of your opinion on the Ginga duology, whether it was good or bad the fact the show was not an unmitigated embarassment that didn't kill the franchise is incredible despite all of those issues. So with all that drama (I.E it is still a thing going on to this day as Tsuburaya is still dealing with License disputes to this day.) out of the way, the next show could focus on trying to be the best show possible.



15 years ago, two beings of energy clash in space, crashing into the sun and causing a solar flare that scatters small dolls resembling monsters across the earth, when energized they become titanic monsters bent on destroying the planet. To combat this, a taskforce is created known as UNVER and at the front lines of Kaiju combat is Xio, in their totally not tacky X-shaped building (Actually I do really like the building.) Amongst Xio's staff is Daichi Oozora, a talented member of the research and development lab hoping to find a way to allow humans and Kaiju to exist. One day during a monster attack, Daichi comes into contact with being made up of computer data who fuses with him to fight the monsters as Ultraman X, and also changes his Xio devizer from silver to gold. A thing that none of his coworkers seem to notice or acknowledge besides his boss in R&D.

After that the main plot basically takes a backseat. Their is something developing the background regarding the other being of pure energy but X put's its focus more into episodic stories going into the day to day life of Xio dealing with threat's monsters have for them on the day to day basis. That's not a bad thing though. Unlike say, Ultraman Trigger, which didn't really do much with its team besides fill the role that they were assign. Everyone of the main members of Xio we get to know has focus episodes develop them further.



I think one of the early moments that helped to define my liking of Daichi was in the second episode, when he asked to transform he complains about his fear of heights to X. It is such a humanzing moment that even if his feet are on the ground, being so high does terrify him. He gets over it rather quickly but it is an interesting character moment. Daichi may not break the mold in regards to your typical toku protagonist's. He's an all-loving hero who intends to do whatever it takes to save the people around him. But in this case it is a well done version of that archetype, helped by how well he interacts with not only his ultra partner and by extension the rest of the team. Its easy to say that he is bland since in the show he doesn't really have much in terms of an arc. But their is something to say about doing the basics really well.

And that is a factor that defines this show and its cast, Team Xio doesn't stray far from. We have the tomboy in Asuna, those two guys with Wataru and Hayato. The doctor and the girl who has a fascination with all of the kaiju. The stern yet caring captain and deputy captain and lead science guy. But some that helps is that despite its short run time, most of the cast gets focus episodes to help characterize them. Take Asuna for example, despite being the tomboy to the girly girl Rui does care about her looks own looks, choosing to wear some fancy shoes during a stakeout in episode 3, getting chewed out upon being the reason they lose the target.

The episodic nature does also allow for a wide array of tones and stories that never feel like too much mood whiplash since the structure does not have a overarching story. Though by the end something that leads towards the endgame. Black clouds that empower monsters with dark thunder energy that makes them stronger and leads to the final villain of the show, which he doesn't really have much of a personality just a mindless monster who wants to consume everything. But despite that many of the week to week monsters do a lot to leave some kind of impression, the show also shows that not all of them are malicous being bent on taking over the world and just like animals protecting territory. The show does have evil malice in stems, the big one being Gargorgon, the first monster to get a two-parter and she earns it in how much of a horrible creature it is and willing to destory everything. But some are just here to protect us like Pigmon, look at him, don't tell me if you were a kid you didn't want one.

Also of note is that the show does feature cameos from previous Ultra series, not just in returning monsters but some ultras. Besides Ginga they are all one and dones and I don't mind that. I don't really want to make this a trigger did something wrong kind of thing but I do feel that shows handling of cameos was rather forceful since all of them got two episodes dedicated to them rather than... you know, giving us characterization for the rest of the cast. Here, each crossover gives the time to shine and stand alongside the new blood without overshadowing him, and in the Ginga crossover it helps to make Daichi grow as a fighter by training with Victory. Though I would say of these, I really liked Nexus' the most, not just because it gives focus to Sayuri, who I really enjoyed for her no-nonsense personality, but also offers a different view of people getting the powers of an ultraman.



Ultraman X is a extremely good looking series all around. The main suit looks really good and leaning, more in on a sort of cyborg robot looking feel, giving him a unique look compared to others with a good contrast of colors of silver with red and black. The spark dolls from Ginga return in this season specifically for when monsters are shrunk and when Daichi transform into X. Though for unique forms X makes use of Cyber cards for new armors from either monsters or the few ultra's he meets. Normally I am never fond of the new power as the plot demands it nature of some shows, kind of feels at times forced for the obvious we need new toys to sell, but the new forms help to give each episodes fight a different feel and it never feels like old forms are made to feel less impactful so the new one can save the day. And yeah they do the thing of once the ultimate form, which also looks really nice I like the cybernetic feeling it has going with its design. Most of the old forms are pushed into the background to see rare uses. But the armors look nice and feel natural with the way that Xio is working to help combat monsters. And their is a nice mix of updated monsters and entirely new ones to tickle nostalgia for old fans while showing the creature designers at Tsuburaya still can make monsters on par with the original.

The shorter run also helps to really make the visuals pop more with the way that minatures feel so lifelike, none of them feel like a set and almost real in how it is presented to us. X may have half the episode count of its Toei Brethren, but you can tell the budget throughout is being used to pump up the episodes to feel a lot more special.



Favorite... Okay I really like all of these episodes but these are the ones that stand out: Episode 20, of the returning ultra's, Nexus' is my favorite, I like the more somber tone and the mixed feelings that Sayuri has to becoming an ultraman, I liked seeing a how different people react to possibly becoming Ultraman.

Episode 9: One of the funnier episodes for me is this little rugby team of runaway aliens, in the way that is both heartwarming and funny in the final match.

Episode 17: Pigmon is best monster and should be defended with all the money possible.



Ultraman X doesn't re-invent the wheel for tokusatsu. But it doesn't really have to if it works very well in those wheels. And honestly, Ultraman X is some of the most fun I have had watching Tokusatsu. The cast plays off one another really well, the stories have a nice blend of silly and serious, it looks incredible throughout its entire run with great suits and miniature work. If we are talking about an entry point for tokusatsu and by extension Ultraman, I would reccomend X for people wanting to get into the genre. It is a show that never once annoyed, bored or did anything that would detract from it as a show. Its like a nice cozy bed. You have a idea what you are getting into. But it feels so amazing.





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