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Toku Review: Garo Makai Senki

Writer's picture: Zachary MoranZachary Moran

The first Garo was incredible. While its story was in many ways rather standard. It was bolstered by incredible action, a solid cast, and a soundtrack that kicked ass up and down the street. Of course something this awesome didn't do well upon its inital era, and after 25 episodes and an epilogue. New Garo content would lay dormant for a couple of years. But after Red Requiem proved that people still wanted more Garo and a year after the film's premier and nearly 6 years after the first season premier. A new season of Garo was released to Japan. And I do mean season.



Following his accomplishments in both Chapter of the Black Wolf and Red Requiem. Kouga has been promoted to Sentorial knight and now answers to a new watch dog, since... you know. But before he takes this assignment on during an normal job. He is attacked by a red masked Priest. And while it doesn't seem major initally he soon learns he has been inflicted with the subtly named mark of death (or seal of destruction, I've have seen both.) Now everytime that Kouga uses his armor will sap him of his strength and eventually kill him. Despite the risk to him he takes the job and is partned with makai priest Leo Fudo, a makai priest Prodigy who had invented the Goryu first seen in Red Requiem. As he performs his new job, Kouga finds that he is not the only knight afflicted by the mark as every other makai knight has also been attacked and cursed by the red priest, potentially putting the makai order in chaos.

As stated in the opening paragrah, Makai senki is very much Garo season 2, its not a bad thing in this case and this season does try to do some better serialization. In showing how the effects that the red preist is causing in the makai order. It still is very light serialization as to not get in the way of the episodic adventures our heroes go on, but it does not make the end of the season just feel like a big congested in doing all of the plot how chapter of the black wolf did for its climax.



Kouga realizing that late-night bender was a terrible decision

Being a sequel season almost all of the characters return here though their importance to the plot has changed. Kouga still remains important as the central character. But with the character development he has garnered is a lot more open to others. Kouga at the beginning of the previous season wouldn't have opened up about the seal to anyone probably besides Zaruba, and we seem him interacting in a much different way compared to how he was in chapter of the black wolf, accepting the help and interacting quite well with the rest of everyone else. Despite being the main character, their are episodes that focus on Rei specifically and many of them are probably my favorite episodes of the season, that being said he really has not much in terms of major development. Though I guess since his big hangup from last season was done, and we get to see him as he really is rather than the fake we saw most of chapter of the black wolf. I wish that we had something for him.

The supporting cast who survived previous films return here, either as part of the main cast with Kaoru, Zaruba and Gonza. With Jabi and the Red Requiem Rekka and Shiguto show up too. I do like their return here and showing their development. The only real issue here is... Kaoru, since they opt to redo the whole Kouga not saying anything about the curse thing, It is a retread of a plot point that was really easy to see where it goes. I mean, she takes it a lot better and I do feel she serves better as our view point for the world of makai, but its just one of those plot points that is way to overdone for me not to be annoyed. Also a bit of a dick thing is Shiguto when the red priest reveals his gambit, kind of makes him look like an asshole since a bunch of people are going to die

The major new character here is Leo, Kouga's new Makai priest partner serves well in the sidekick role, alongside helping to expand the lore that we were given a sneak preview to in Red Reqiuem. I kind of like his laid back and more personable personality to balance out Kouga, being more willing to crack a smile really helps to make as a good balance to Kouga. Even the whole is he possibly the red priest is not as aggravating since yeah he does sometimes disappear when he is fought but it does set up better than Rei thinking Garo is the person who killed his family.

Our new villain is a decent one. While he is not completely original in terms of backstory or in his plan of welcoming into the world another major horror. But one way he is an improvement over the first season big bad is that he is a much bigger presence, having his effect shown throughout the entire makai order and he has a couple of fights with the main cast. Their is also theirs's quandary if what he does is right but it is mostly ignored since it means a lot of people will die for it. And I do like that we see him as a smart and actually threating villain, contrasting Barago more rivaling Garo on pure strength. Being a much more intellectual threat. He still does not rise out of the more standard villain tropes but his plan is arguably one that came close to succeeding which does get props for me. Though again the main big horror he tries to resurrect doesn't really get much in terms of characterization, a sad trend that this series would have unfortunately.



Being a show that came out 6 years after the original, Makai senki hasn't really lost a beat in terms of its overall aesthetics. Action still looks specactular with great cinematography and fight choreography. All of the returning suits still are phenominal, joined by some equally good ones like Flash's darker color scheme to bounce of Garo's. And of course Horrors that range in creepy to almost serene if it weren't for what they truly were. Though I do think the first season overall has a better diversity in their designs. Yeah, the cg Clown and clock are not the best aging, but your remember them for that. Their are stand outs though for me are Kagemitsu and Erinnerung.

Musically I feel it is still on the same level as the original, the first theme has the same sort of mysterious feel like the first one but feels a bit more light compared to the oppressiveness of the first one, The second just kicks ass, the first season's theme may be better in just the majesty of it and how epic it feels but this one just rocks so hard, emphasizing the awesomeness that will happen in each episode.



Favorite: Episode 8: Demon Sword, this is easily the standout for me, a samurai is on his last days and is wanting to die a warrior's death, in combat he comes in to contact with a horror cursed sword that places him into a coma waking up in modern early 2010 Japan.

Favorite: Episode 4. Toshiki Inoue's style shows itself as instead of fighting, Kouga dons a suit for a gambling fight against a horror. Its a really solid episode, filled with the tension that really works here.

Episode 5: A man with a weird fetish for manhole covers ends up creating one a portal for horrors to appear, with one of them trying to get him to make more. This one is more outright weird than bad, and despite that weirdness, it doesn't really hold for most of it, it's rather standard and barebones and it could've been a different way of making a portal, feels like the manhole was chosen to stand out.

Favorite: Episode 13, It's nice to have an episode around Jabi in my opinion, and seeing that she does do well to stand up against the Red priest with no outside help.



It's kind of hard to decide which is better between Makai Senki and Chapter of the black wolf. While I would say that Makai senki does have the stronger endgame and by extension villain. But being the first season their is a lot more fresh about the first season that is quite not matched here, like overall horror designs. But one can view these as two seasons of the same show, making for a 50 episode standard toku season. If you enjoyed Chapter of the black wolf, then Makai Senki will be just as enjoyable. Its more Garo and in this case that is the best thing after 6 years without the franchise.





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