In toku, the idea of a series being over is something that Kamen rider plays with for about a year after release, because while yes the series is over, their are probably some v-cinema releases, sentai on the other hand generally has the vs movie that serves as the final hurrah for show and that is it. But for a period in sentai's history their were films that acted as an epilogue to the main series. These were the return Movies, From Samurai Sentai Shinkenger through Uchu Sentai Kyuranger, that served as an epilogue to the main series (Gokaiger had one planned, but do to the 2011 earthquake it was cancelled.) Naturally, Ninninger also got one of these films in the form of Ninnin Girls vs Boys, which if the title didn't clue it in already see the girls of the ninningers taking on the boys of the ninningers. But what could have brought such a tight knit family to blows, differing views about being a ninja, fame, glory, maybe Takaharu stole the spotlight one too many times in the intervening times.
Two years following the defeat of the Kibaoni Army Corp, the ninningers are planning on meeting up to compare how far they have come in that time. When the boys arrive, they find that Jukkarage had return and morph to fight, only to reveal that is was a staged show for Kasumi and Fuuka. As it turns out. Takaharu and Fuuka's mother Sakurako has made the two into Idol ninja's the ninnin girls and wanting to protect their brand as she had trademarked the family igasaki style and last ninja title, has the two teams compete with the male ninningers equipment on the line. However, Ariake, seeing a chance to revive and greatly weaken her greatest threat, begins to tamper with the games in favor of the ninnin girls, and who is the mysterious girl who was recruited to help even out the numbers and how does she know it Kinji and-

Uh, spoilers below
It's Kyuemon, Okay, more specifically it is Kyuemon possessing someone to help but its Kyuemon. Granted the special really doesn't hide it well, considering she has the green, or mido ninger shuriken which feels natural, a continuation of what the main series had given us, rather than new one-off characters that will never receive much acknowledgement, looking at you Gaim Gaiden. That being said the girl he possesses is kind of hand waved, its never fully explained how long the Kyuemon has possessed her and she just shows up, like their's no real build up for what was the first female green ranger in sentai (yeah its one off but still.)
Speaking of new introductions, the adition of Sakurako also feels natural, very similar in her love of ninja, but more on the idea and concept of ninja rather than the practice and art of what makes a ninja, she fits in pretty well with the igasaki family especially with how Takaharu is and hey, she allows Takaharu and Fukka join the ranks of Toku heroes who actaully have more than one living parent. It also like with Kyuemon does carry over an element of ninningers ending that may of been laughed at, but sees the writer taking probably one of the more absurd last ninja ideas and runs with it.

Yes, the rare sight of the second parent, take this in this never happens often
While this does put arguably Ninninger's best character also in the forefront, it also gives its often sidelined heroine in the spotlight with Fukka. While she wasn't the worst part of the show, she easily had the least focus episodes and off top of my head while writing this, couldn't really remember an episode where she was the sole focus. Being able to step out of Takaharu's shadow not only does a lot for her, but for the rest of the team as the one on one competition aspect gives every one a chance to shine without the interference of Takaharu, and when she is told that her match with Takaharu is fixed, you can see just how distraught that she may not be better than him, but her family is their to stand by her and show that she is able to stand out from the rest. Even through all of ninningers numerous faults, which trust their were a lot, I have a review that goes into most of them linked below for those who haven't read. The family dynamic is still something I can praise about the show.

Cute idea, not much really done here.
Also despite the rather outlandish costumes, the idol set up here is more of an aesthetic, their's no ninja dancing, ninja Singing, Ninja Gravure Idol work to be found here, primarily focusing on the standard ninja affair plus giant robot battle, also like with the summer movie, they advertisements really made a lot out of the animated bits done by Toei's Pretty Cure team, mostly amounts to attacks and last all of 30 seconds. The idol stuff is more an effect of the Japanese pop culture Zeitgeist that idol's are and still are very popular in japan and most of the world whether they are real, virtual, or animated idols. There is no commentary on the lifestyle they lead and the psychological effects. The criticism of idol work or how we all will one day be enslaved by our overlords of celebrity. But who's saying any of that, we are not some slaves to pretty girls or boys singing and dancing right. Hehehehe sigh (Help me, they have a gun to my head, they have infected the water you all are in dan -)
Villains were never the bright spot of ninningers. With the exception of Kyuemon, most of them did a few things upon introduction and then kind of just wasted about until the finale where they all lined up to be kill, this was most prevalent with Gengetsu's wife Ariake no Kata, who after introducing the mediocre western yokai, sat around, complained about the lack of fear energy for her skin, gave birth to Mangetsu, cried a bunch and felt sad, and then was absorbed by Gengetsu. So as you can tell, when I realized that she was our main threat for the film I was hopping for joy all over at the prospect of that. But despite that, she arguably does more in the hour she is given as the main antagonist, it also gives a bit of time to other pushed aside villains like the returning Juza from the summer movie and her son Mangetsu. Her plan works out for the most part and she nearly revives everyone and has essentially broken the ninningers up, seemingly killing Fuuka and Kasumi and reviving most of the forces, its probably the closest that this villain faction has ever come to a full victory if it weren't for the now reformed Kyuemon coming in to save the day. It was pleasently suprising to see many aspects that were porrly executed done a whole lot better here than in most of the series.

And so their journey ends right where it began, plus two more
While it won't change your opinion about the show or has much contention for the best piece of media regarding ninningers. Ninnin Girls vs Boy is a Gret epilogue to the show, making use of ninningers better elements while also doing its best to cover some of its weaker aspects. It's fun, breezy, the action is solid. With its only real downfalls being the stuff related to Luka and the usage of the animation. But as send off go, its arguably a pretty good one for a team that may get a bit too much hate from some people